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Soak the rootball of your plant in a bucket of water to wet thoroughly prior to planting. For extra goodness, add a bit of liquid fertiliser.
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Asplenium shuttleworthianum - Shuttleworths Spleenwort
Rare and rather difficult to grow. Requires damp, light, sandy soil. Coastal.
Asplenium x lucrosum - Hen & Chicken Fern
A popular fern with graceful feathery fronds which develop bulbils. An excellent indoor ornamental. However these plants are in fact a sterile hybrid with a Norfolk Island species . (A. bulbiferum x A. dimorphum).
Asplenium x oblongifolium - Shining spleenwort
Lush green foliage. Prefers dry situation in good soil . Excellent pot plant
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia Alpine ruby - Red mountain astelia
A selected form with distinct red colouring making it particularly attractive foliage with a graceful habit.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia banksii - Wharawhara
Fine silver flax-like leaves. Coastal. Requires both very dry and shady conditions.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia chathamica - Silver spear
Formerly widespread on the Chatham Islands, on a few remote rock stacks, or in protected bush where it is safe from grazing. Broad silver leaves. The boldest of the Astelia genus, it grows in sun or shade.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia fragrans - Kakaha
Green flax-like leaves. Fragrant flower spikes (spring). Difficult in humid areas. Prefers light shade.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia fragrans Miniature
A smaller form of A.fragrans from higher altitudes that requires a very exposed situation to limit humidity.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia grandis - Swamp Astelia
Olive green flax-like leaves. Large 2m clumps, prefers swamps up to 50cm deep but grows in drier gardens.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia nervosa - Mountain Astelia
Silver-green to red foliage. Forms large clumps. Difficult in humid areas.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia Red Devil - Red Devil
A selected form with distinct red colouring making it particularly attractive foliage with a graceful habit.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia Silver Spider - Silver Spider
An alpine form of Astelia with a distinctive silver sheen to the foliage. Grow in a rocky soil with a cool moist root run.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia solandri - Kowharawhara
Fine green flax-like leaves with a red tinge in sun. Can be epiphytic. Good pot plant.
Lily & Iris-like
Astelia trinervia - Kauri grass
The tallest of the New Zealand Astelias, over 2m with green flax-like leaves. Grows in drier Kauri forest.
Atrichum androgynum - Fluffy Moss
Bright green moss. Moist shade required. Keep out of draughts.
Ground Cover
Atriplex cinerea - Silver salt bush
Low spreading dense bush. Silvery grey foliage. Coastal. Keep well pruned.
Australopyrum calcis subsp. calcis - Limestone wheatgrass
A fine wispy grass also rare and very similar to Australopyrum calcis ssp optatum. Known from two extremely restricted sites in the Leatham Valley, South Marlborough.
Australopyrum calcis subsp. optatum - Canterbury lime stone rye
A green wispy grass which prefers a non-acidic, preferably lime-rich, soil. Rather rare and more of a collectors item. Known from limestone outcrops where it grows in crevices.
Austrofestuca littoralis - Sand tussock, hinarepe
Stiff habit with a fine rolled leaf (yellow-green to fawn). Great for coastal gardens. Now rare in wild.
Austrostipa stipoides - Coastal immorality grass, Buggar grass
Slender, spiky, silver-green tussock. Very slow. Coastal.
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