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Summer planting
Contrary to popular opinion, summer planting is fine as long as adequate water is provided throughout any prolonged dry periods. This allows you to take advantage of increased summer growth.
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Ground Cover
Acaena anserinifolia - Hutiwai
Very dense, fast-growing plant. Good for suppressing weeds and preventing surface soil erosion. Velcro-like seeds.
Ground Cover
Acaena anserinifolia var. sericeinitens - Piripiri
Attractive blue-grey foliage makes this an ideal slow spreading groundcover in the alpine or rock garden. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena buchananii - Piripiri
Pale green leaves with hidden red flower spikes. Slow growing, threatened species. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena caesiiglauca - Glaucous Piripiri
Attractive blue-grey foliage makes this an ideal slow spreading groundcover in the alpine or rock garden. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena dumicola - Piripiri
Pastel lime-green leaves with green ball-like flower heads 15cm above foliage. Fast-growing and attractive.
Ground Cover
Acaena fissistipula - Piripiri
Blue-grey foliage. Slow spreading. Alpine. If humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena inermis - Piripiri
Steel-grey foliage. Hardy. Seed heads are not spiky and do not adhere to clothes or pets. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena inermis purpurea - Purple Piripiri
Purple foliage,low growing prefers loose gritty soil and a sunny position. Feed well for best colour. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena microphylla - Scarlet Piripiri
Red or bronze-green foliage. Spiky, red seed heads are very attractive. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena novae-zelandiae - Piripiri
Vivid green foliage. Hardy and vigorous. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena pallida - Piripiri
Glossy green leaves up to 10cm long. Red-tinged flower heads in summer. Velcro-like seed capsules. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena profundeincisa - Piripiri
An uncommon, lush blue-green form of Piripiri from alpine regions requiring free draining soils and exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena rorida - Piripiri
Dense pink-tinged foliage. Threatened species from montane bogs. Slow-growing but attractive. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena saccaticupula - Piripiri
Soft pale glaucous leaves with green ball-like flower heads 15cm above foliage. Fast-growing and attractive. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena tesca - Piripiri
An attractive rare species with glaucous leaves similar to Acaena fissistipula. Slow growing but easy. Good for a moist rock garden.
Aciphylla aurea - Golden Spear grass
Forms sharp golden-yellow clumps. Prefers dry sites. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Aciphylla dieffenbachii - Chatham Is Spear Grass
Likes free-draining conditions. Softer less spiky foliage than most Aciphylla. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Aciphylla glaucescens - Feathery Blue Spaniard
Stunning, thick very hard spikey foliage in rosettes. Glaucous.Sunny site or v.light shade.
Aciphylla squarrosa - Spear Grass
Bluish grey spiky foliage. Prefers dry sites. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Aciphylla subflabellata - Spear Grass
Narrow grey green spiky foliage. Prefers dry sites. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 1464 items)