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Ground Cover
Acaena anserinifolia - Hutiwai
Very dense, fast-growing plant. Good for suppressing weeds and preventing surface soil erosion. Velcro-like seeds.
Ground Cover
Acaena anserinifolia var. sericeinitens - Piripiri
Attractive blue-grey foliage makes this an ideal slow spreading groundcover in the alpine or rock garden. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena buchananii - Piripiri
Pale green leaves with hidden red flower spikes. Slow growing, threatened species. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena caesiiglauca - Glaucous Piripiri
Attractive blue-grey foliage makes this an ideal slow spreading groundcover in the alpine or rock garden. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena dumicola - Piripiri
Pastel lime-green leaves with green ball-like flower heads 15cm above foliage. Fast-growing and attractive.
Ground Cover
Acaena fissistipula - Piripiri
Blue-grey foliage. Slow spreading. Alpine. If humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena inermis - Piripiri
Steel-grey foliage. Hardy. Seed heads are not spiky and do not adhere to clothes or pets. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena inermis purpurea - Purple Piripiri
Purple foliage,low growing prefers loose gritty soil and a sunny position. Feed well for best colour. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena microphylla - Scarlet Piripiri
Red or bronze-green foliage. Spiky, red seed heads are very attractive. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena novae-zelandiae - Piripiri
Vivid green foliage. Hardy and vigorous. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena pallida - Piripiri
Glossy green leaves up to 10cm long. Red-tinged flower heads in summer. Velcro-like seed capsules. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena profundeincisa - Piripiri
An uncommon, lush blue-green form of Piripiri from alpine regions requiring free draining soils and exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena rorida - Piripiri
Dense pink-tinged foliage. Threatened species from montane bogs. Slow-growing but attractive. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena saccaticupula - Piripiri
Soft pale glaucous leaves with green ball-like flower heads 15cm above foliage. Fast-growing and attractive. If humidity is high, plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Ground Cover
Acaena tesca - Piripiri
An attractive rare species with glaucous leaves similar to Acaena fissistipula. Slow growing but easy. Good for a moist rock garden.
Aciphylla aurea - Golden Spear grass
Forms sharp golden-yellow clumps. Prefers dry sites. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Aciphylla dieffenbachii - Chatham Is Spear Grass
Likes free-draining conditions. Softer less spiky foliage than most Aciphylla. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Aciphylla glaucescens - Feathery Blue Spaniard
Stunning, thick very hard spikey foliage in rosettes. Glaucous.Sunny site or v.light shade.
Aciphylla squarrosa - Spear Grass
Bluish grey spiky foliage. Prefers dry sites. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
Aciphylla subflabellata - Spear Grass
Narrow grey green spiky foliage. Prefers dry sites. In areas where humidity is high plant it in a windy, exposed site.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 1464 items)