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Planting tip
Soak the rootball of your plant in a bucket of water to wet thoroughly prior to planting. For extra goodness, add a bit of liquid fertiliser.
john van den hoeven's photos

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08/10/2015 Rubus australis
Submitted by john van den hoeven
08/10/2015 Drosera auriculata
Submitted by john van den hoeven
25/02/2015 Ourisia macrocarpa subsp. macrocarpa
Submitted by john van den hoeven

Southern Tararuas at around 1000m with seedcapsules present.
25/02/2015 Luzuriaga parviflora
Submitted by john van den hoeven
25/02/2015 Podocarpus cunninghamii
Submitted by john van den hoeven

A rather wind blasted specimen,around 1000m Southern Tararuas
25/02/2015 Hebe odora
Submitted by john van den hoeven

In alpine vegetation Tararua Range at around 1100m
25/02/2015 Neomyrtus pedunculata
Submitted by john van den hoeven

Growing in subalpine shrubland at around 1000m,Southern Tararuas
25/02/2015 Chionochloa flavescens
Submitted by john van den hoeven

Along with C.pallens the main tussocks on the Tararua tops.
25/02/2015 Carpha alpina
Submitted by john van den hoeven

Growing up at around 1100m on Tabletop Southern Tararua range
25/02/2015 Blechnum montanum
Submitted by john van den hoeven

Growing at around 1100m on the Southern Tararuas.
01/01/2015 Libertia micrantha
Submitted by john van den hoeven
01/01/2015 Halocarpus biformis
Submitted by john van den hoeven

This very large specimen was up at around 1100m on Herepai Peak in the Northern Tararua Ranges.
01/01/2015 Isolepis habra
Submitted by john van den hoeven
01/01/2015 lindsaea trichomanoides
Submitted by john van den hoeven
01/01/2015 Olearia ilicifolia
Submitted by john van den hoeven

The first one ive ever seen in the Tararuas, at about 850m by Herepai Hut.
01/01/2015 Rumohra adiantiformis
Submitted by john van den hoeven
21/12/2014 Kunzea ericoides var. linearis
Submitted by john van den hoeven

This is K.linearis now and this was taken at Percy Scenic Reserve in Lower Hutt where ive never seen it flower so heavily before.
21/12/2014 Plectranthus parviflorus
Submitted by john van den hoeven
21/12/2014 Olearia cymbifolia
Submitted by john van den hoeven
21/12/2014 Hebe pubescens subsp. sejuncta
Submitted by john van den hoeven
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 258 items)