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"Thank you very much. My cordylines arrived today :) I am very impressed with your prompt service and the quality of my new babies.

I will definitely order plants from you in the future.

Thanks again, Courtney"
dayne laird's photos

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20/11/2015 Passiflora tetrandra
Submitted by dayne laird

Good set of native passionfruit this year on my eastern-boundary fence. The sunny (ie neighbour's side) doing better than "my" side as per normal .... (21Nov2015)
18/11/2015 Geranium traversii
Submitted by dayne laird

Lots of this pretty species peppered around Fernglen Gardens. Whites and Pinks mostly. (15Nov2015)
18/11/2015 Geranium traversii
Submitted by dayne laird

Lots of this pretty species peppered all around Fernglen Gardens. (15Nov2015)
13/11/2015 Acaena novae-zelandiae
Submitted by dayne laird

This plant makes a great ground-cover where there's a bit of extra moisture you need mopping up. Awesome foliage, a bit Seuss-like in appearance, and if you trim the flower heads before they turn into hooks the annoyance of them getting everywhere is removed! (Nov2015)
24/09/2015 Urtica ferox
Submitted by dayne laird

One of my favourites, this one produces some excellent foliage(!) during the spring. Takes a bit of a hammering from the lacy-wings over summer but always recovers bigger and stronger each year. This specimen is about 4-5yo now. (20Sep2015)
24/09/2015 Pomaderris kumeraho
Submitted by dayne laird

Have had this (now) 2m+ high tree since it was a wee thing for about 4-5 years now. Still filling out, but it has height! Definitely likes the rubbish soil in this exposed spot in our front-garden.
24/09/2015 Pomaderris kumeraho
Submitted by dayne laird

Just four days later after the first flower's apperarance, with the addition of some sun-shower drops this particular morning, we got this show. (20Sep2015, Auckland)
24/09/2015 Pomaderris kumeraho
Submitted by dayne laird

First "pop" for spring. Was watching for a few days to see when the first flower would burst and it did so on a rather gloomy morning after rain the prior night. (Auckland, 16Sep2015)
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Fernglen's specimen in full bloom, 23Nov2014 (compare to the earlier photo I took on 12Oct2014 where it is just budding). A relatively young tree of about 30 years (planted in 1991 as a "specimen" tree, so probably had a few years on it before it went into the ground). Only the East-North quadrant had any flowers, and none on top of the tree. Based on that, I'd better stop trimming the lower branches off my one at home!
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Plenty of honey bees as well, slower moving, but making hard work of getting their head down the stamens.
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

This native bee, with its mates, were by far the winners with the flowers on this tree, just the right shape to get every drop they wanted. Quick moving tho' - quite the challenge to photograph one staying still long enough on top of the flower (as opposed to only seeing its rear-end due to the front end being buried deep down the stamens).
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Very different from prior weeks was that the tree was literally a-buzz. Bumbles were the loudest, but flight-iest. Might be a bit big to get at the nectar perhaps because they didn't sit still very long at all before buzzing off for another attempt (23Nov2014).
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Actually no, this is my favourite pictured .... actually I have quite a few favourites (but this is my favourite.. 23Nov2014)
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Favourite picture of these awesome blooms. (23Nov2014)
26/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

That's what I've been waiting for. First-hand real flowers (16Nov2014). Awesome - my "model" finally bloomed (23Nov2014 or earlier). That 6 week wait and trips to the North Shore was worth it!
17/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

A fully opened flower which has opened ahead of my "model" cluster which I've been following the past few weeks (16Nov2014).
17/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

That's what I've been waiting for. First-hand real flowers (16Nov2014). Awesome. Next week this "model' cluster should be fully opened.
17/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Bartletti flower buds close-up 4 weeks later (9thNov2014), MUCH closer, red crosses forming in the centred of the bud.
17/11/2014 Metrosideros bartlettii
Submitted by dayne laird

Bartletti flower buds close-up 3 weeks later (2ndNov2014) from first pic, buds getting bigger.
29/10/2014 Pennantia baylisiana
Submitted by dayne laird

This is likely to make quite a show in a few weeks with all those flower clusters (24Oct2014, Fernglen Garden)
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