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Tricia Cheel for Friends of Sherwood's photos

Have you got a photo you'd like to share with us? We'd love to see it.

Every month, we'll display a new feature photo on the front page of the website. If we choose yours, we'll send you a gift voucher worth $60!

To submit a photo, simply search for the relevant plant, then click the "Share a photo" link.

 Submitted   Photo   Caption 
30/08/2011 Hebe topiaria
Submitted by Tricia Cheel for Friends of Sherwood

In the ground almost 2 years and still dense and compact . . . lovely . . . :}
29/08/2011 Festuca matthewsii
Submitted by Tricia Cheel for Friends of Sherwood

Our koru going well apart from the libertia and leptinella being uprooted . . . just love the festuca though.
31/07/2011 Bolboschoenus caldwellii
Submitted by Tricia Cheel for Friends of Sherwood

A well established plot of Buloschoenus caldwellii at the Red Cross "Rain Garden" in Browns Bay
30/07/2011 Machaerina sinclairii
Submitted by Tricia Cheel (Anne van der Walt ARC 3662000

Just love those cheeky little heads . . . :}
30/07/2011 Hierochloe redolens
Submitted by Tricia Cheel (Anne van der Walt ARC 3662000

Doing marvelously well until contractors found they could clean their boots on it . . . TIP - don't use them to clean your boots on . . . :}
30/07/2011 Festuca matthewsii
Submitted by Tricia Cheel (Anne van der Walt ARC 3662000

Our koru of Festuca matthewsii just getting established . . . you should see it now . . . :}
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 items)