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Robyn's photos

Have you got a photo you'd like to share with us? We'd love to see it.

Every month, we'll display a new feature photo on the front page of the website. If we choose yours, we'll send you a gift voucher worth $60!

To submit a photo, simply search for the relevant plant, then click the "Share a photo" link.

 Submitted   Photo   Caption 
08/07/2014 Coprosma propinqua Tuffet
Submitted by Robyn Salter
18/10/2010 Freycinetia banksii
Submitted by Robyn
18/10/2010 Freycinetia banksii
Submitted by Robyn

First flower! Planted as a PB3, 5 years ago
15/10/2010 Cordyline Red Fountain
Submitted by Robyn
15/10/2010 Entelea arborescens
Submitted by Robyn
05/10/2010 Clianthus puniceus
Submitted by Robyn Salter

You can see the difference.....!!
05/10/2010 Corynocarpus laevigatus
Submitted by Robyn Salter
05/10/2010 Myoporum decumbens
Submitted by Robyn Salter

October 2010....In a pot on my deck!
13/09/2010 Hebe diosmifolia
Submitted by Robyn

Hebe diosmifolia, Wiri Charm, latisepala, speciosa all flowering. Hebe First Light in foreground and Hebe Azure in background...both yet to flower.
13/09/2010 Hebe obtusata
Submitted by Robyn Salter
13/09/2010 Hebe macrocarpa var. macrocarpa
Submitted by Robyn Salter
13/09/2010 Clianthus maximus
Submitted by Robyn Salter
13/09/2010 Heliohebe hulkeana
Submitted by Robyn
08/03/2009 Carex comans
Submitted by Robyn

Carex comans
08/03/2009 Doodia australis
Submitted by Robyn Salter

Doodia australis
24/02/2009 Sophora molloyii Dragons Gold
Submitted by Robyn Salter
24/02/2009 Hoheria sexstylosa
Submitted by Robyn Salter
23/02/2009 Myrsine divaricata
Submitted by Robyn Salter

Please excuse the paspalum. focus on the Myrsine!
23/02/2009 Ozothamnus leptophylla
Submitted by Robyn Salter

Nine months after planting and just about to flower
21/02/2009 Coprosma macrocarpa subsp. macrocarpa
Submitted by Robyn Salter

Planted two years ago!
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 20 items)