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Unfortunately, Oratia Native Plant Nursery has now closed down. For further information, click here.

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Summer planting
Contrary to popular opinion, summer planting is fine as long as adequate water is provided throughout any prolonged dry periods. This allows you to take advantage of increased summer growth.
O2 Landscapes's photos

Have you got a photo you'd like to share with us? We'd love to see it.

Every month, we'll display a new feature photo on the front page of the website. If we choose yours, we'll send you a gift voucher worth $60!

To submit a photo, simply search for the relevant plant, then click the "Share a photo" link.

 Submitted   Photo   Caption 
11/11/2010 Sophora fulvida
Submitted by O2 Landscapes

Sophora fulvida flowers close-up
11/11/2010 Sophora fulvida
Submitted by O2 Landscapes

Mature Sophora fulvida tree in full flower
17/06/2010 Pimelea aff. aridula Te Mata Peak
Submitted by Philip Smith, O2 Landscapes
26/05/2010 Pseudopanax ferox

Pseudopanax ferox juvenile leaf
26/05/2010 Pseudopanax ferox

Pseudopanax ferox juvenile form
26/05/2010 Pseudopanax ferox

Pseudopanax ferox adult tree
26/05/2010 Metrosideros colensoi

Metrosideros colensoi flower
26/05/2010 Nestegis apetala

Nestegis apetala - new growth
30/12/2008 Apodasmia similis
Submitted by Oratia Native Plant Nursery

Apodasmia similis from ONPN planted in a river margin development behind the Trusts Stadium, Henderson, Auckland.
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 items)