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Wetland plants
Did you know wetland plants make excellent water filters? If you need to clean up stormwater runoff, or provide a buffer against flooding, give us a call.
Martin Nicholls's photos

Have you got a photo you'd like to share with us? We'd love to see it.

Every month, we'll display a new feature photo on the front page of the website. If we choose yours, we'll send you a gift voucher worth $60!

To submit a photo, simply search for the relevant plant, then click the "Share a photo" link.

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16/12/2014 Sophora godleyi
Submitted by Martin Nicholls

This shows just how fine the foliage of Sophora godleyi is when seen juxtaposed with pohutukawa.
16/12/2014 Sophora godleyi
Submitted by Martin Nicholls

This is a more typical example of Sophora godleyi than my earlier photo. It is less than three years old from seed at the time the photo was taken.
16/12/2014 Hebe macrocarpa var. macrocarpa
Submitted by Martin Nicholls

Hebe macrocarpa var. latisepala. Not Hebe macrocarpa var. macrocarpa, but probably the purest blue of any Hebe apart from H. benthamii. Enjoys partial shade and has a very upright manner of growth. Enjoys a well-drained, most soil and comes true from seed.
16/12/2014 Alseuosmia macrophylla
Submitted by Martin Nicholls

This plant is in cultivation (New Plymouth) in my garden and was grown from seed collected from Rerekapa Falls, North Taranaki. Photo was taken in early September and begin in late July.
17/02/2010 Sophora godleyi
Submitted by Martin Nicholls

Sophora godleyi (left) with S. microphylla for comparison. Source Glenui, Lake Rotorangi, Taranaki.
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 items)