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It is preferable to propagate plants by seeds rather than cuttings or by division. This ensures maximum genetic diversity is maintained.

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Geoff Davidson's photos

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29/04/2015 Ripogonum scandens
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

The vertical climbing stems of supplejack twine around each other to give mutual support and reach-up to the highest branches.
29/04/2015 Ripogonum scandens
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

An entanglement of Supplejack is nearly impenetrable.
03/11/2014 Pittosporum ellipticum
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

In flower on the Fletcher track, Karamatura, Huia 28 Sept 2014
03/11/2014 Melicytus macrophyllus
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

In flower on the Fletcher track, Karamatura, Huia 28 Sept 2014
03/11/2014 Alseuosmia macrophylla
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

In Flower on the Fletcher track, Karamatura, Huia 28 Sept 2014
04/09/2012 Trisetum antarcticum
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

Trudie Lasham (left, Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust) and Christine Baker (Rarangi Landcare Co-ordinator) investigate the Trisetum antarcticum at Rarangi.
31/05/2012 Phormium tenax
Submitted by Geoff Davidson
29/12/2011 Clematis paniculata
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

The Clematis' silken filaments develop fluffy tails to disperse the seed on the winds.
07/06/2010 Machaerina sinclairii
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

Machaerina sinclairii is an ideal indoor plant. Use the foliage or flowers in cut flower arrangements.
10/11/2009 Veronica jovellanoides
Submitted by Geoff Davidson

Veronica jovellanoides or Parahebe "Bamboozle" ? Whatever the name it is very pretty. Hope it survives in the wild.
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 10 items)