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Bob Ogle's photos

Have you got a photo you'd like to share with us? We'd love to see it.

Every month, we'll display a new feature photo on the front page of the website. If we choose yours, we'll send you a gift voucher worth $60!

To submit a photo, simply search for the relevant plant, then click the "Share a photo" link.

 Submitted   Photo   Caption 
26/04/2011 Clianthus maximus
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Taken October 2010 on shore of Lake Waikaremoana
26/04/2011 Rubus cissoides
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Taken Lake Waikaremoana October 2010
26/04/2011 Clematis paniculata
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Taken October 2010 Lake Waikaremoana
12/12/2009 Ixerba brexioides
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Tawhari flower Urewera N.P. Dec 09
12/12/2009 Elaeocarpus dentatus
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Hinau Flowers Urewera N.P. Dec 09
29/01/2009 Solanum laciniatum
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Poroporo flowers and fruit Jan 08 Whakatane
08/01/2009 Metrosideros perforata
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Perforata Flowering Whakatane Jan.09
08/01/2009 Rhopalostylis sapida
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Nikau Palm Flower/Seedhead Nov.08 Whakatane
08/01/2009 Entelea arborescens
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Whau seed head Whakatane ec.08
03/12/2008 Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Kahikatea seedlings emerging forest floor Whakatane Oct. 08
03/12/2008 Cordyline kaspar
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Cordyline Kasper 3 Kings Cabbage Tree Flower Nov. 08 Whakatane
01/11/2008 Pittosporum cornifolium
Submitted by Bob Ogle
01/11/2008 Pittosporum tenuifolium
Submitted by Bob Ogle
31/10/2008 Melicope ternata
Submitted by Bob Ogle
11/09/2008 Sophora tetraptera
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Kowhai Whakatane Sept 08
11/09/2008 Litsea calicaris
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Litsea Calicaris in Flower Whakatane Sept 08
11/09/2008 Litsea calicaris
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Mangeao Flower Whakatane Sept 08
02/07/2008 Dysoxylum spectabile
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Kohekohe in flower Whakatane June 08
07/06/2008 Ixerba brexioides
Submitted by Bob Ogle

Photo taken last Dec. Ruakumara Ranges East Cape
Displaying 1 to 19 (of 19 items)