Sorry, we're closed.

Unfortunately, Oratia Native Plant Nursery has now closed down. For further information, click here.

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Summer planting
Contrary to popular opinion, summer planting is fine as long as adequate water is provided throughout any prolonged dry periods. This allows you to take advantage of increased summer growth.
Alana's photos

Have you got a photo you'd like to share with us? We'd love to see it.

Every month, we'll display a new feature photo on the front page of the website. If we choose yours, we'll send you a gift voucher worth $60!

To submit a photo, simply search for the relevant plant, then click the "Share a photo" link.

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19/09/2010 Tecomanthe speciosa
Submitted by Alana

The beautiful woody vines of a 7 to 9 year old Tecomanthe speciosa
19/09/2010 Tecomanthe speciosa
Submitted by Alana

The same Tecomanthe from another angle
19/09/2010 Tecomanthe speciosa
Submitted by Alana

At around 8 metres in length, this Tecomanthe speciosa is the pride and joy of our deck.
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 items)