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Blechnum nigrum
A plant of dark cool and moist stream banks. Difficult and very much a collectors item for the dedicated fern grower.
Blechnum novae-zelandiae - Kiokio
Very hardy. New fronds pink in the sun. A popular fern for revegatation and ornamental plantings
Blechnum penna-marina - Alpine hard fern
Forms a dense mat. Very hardy in both sun or shade. An excellent ground cover.
Blechnum procerum
A particularly good form of the Blechnum genus with a compact tidy habit and bronzed foliage.
Blechnum triangularifolium - Green Bay Kiokio
Coastal to montane, on calcareous silt and sandstones, it also grows on serpentinite rocks at North Cape. In karst country on calcareous rocks in seepages with Machaerina sinclairii.
Blechnum vulcanicum - Volcanic blechnum
Found growing on road banks along bush margins. Prefers moist soils and light shade. Pink foliage when young.
Boehmeria australis var. dealbata - Kermadec Nettle
Large pale green leaves. Fast growing open shrub. Coastal. (Raoul and Kermadec Islands).
Sedge & Rush-like
Bolboschoenus caldwellii
A smaller version of B. fluviatilis. However the flower heads are quite different, as they are fatter and denser.
Sedge & Rush-like
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis - Kukuraho
Summer-green perennial. Creeping bulbous rhizome tolerates both saline & fresh water.
Brachyglottis Alfred Atkinson
Large pale green, serrated leaves. White flowers (summer). Difficult in high humidity. Lemon scented when warmed by sun
Brachyglottis compacta
Serrated grey foliage and yellow flowers (summer) from Castle Point, Wairarapa coast. Plant in exposed sites.
Brachyglottis greyii - Coast Grey's Daisy
Grey foliage form from the Wairarapa coast. Yellow daisy-like flowers (summer). Best in well-drained soil and exposed to wind.
Brachyglottis hectori - Hector's Brachyglottis
Large pale green, serrated leaves. White flowers (summer). Coming from NW Nelson it is difficult in high humidity, plant in an exposed site.
Brachyglottis kirkii var. angustior - Kirk's Ground Daisy
A delightful tree daisy with narrow leaves and large white flowers in spring. Normally ground-dwelling on dry soils.
Brachyglottis kirkii var. kirkii - Kirk's Tree Daisy
A delightful tree daisy with large white flowers in spring. Normally epiphytic, it demands good drainage or dry soils.
Brachyglottis Leiths Gold
Large grey foliage looks best in sheltered conditions. Flowers large yellow spikes (summer).
Brachyglottis monroi - Monro's daisy
Very attractive serrated grey foliage and yellow flowers (summer). From Marlborough it does not enjoy humidity, plant in exposed sites.
Brachyglottis myrianthos - Coromandel Daisy
From the Kauraenga Valley, Coromandel. Streamside daisy with white flowers requires good drainage.
Brachyglottis Otari Cloud
Large grey leaves and yellow flower-heads. A tidy cultivar with good form. Plant in sunny exposed sites.
Brachyglottis perdicioides - East Cape Brachyglottis
Bright green aromatic foliage. Tight habit. Yellow flowers (spring-summer). Growing from East Cape to Mahia Peninsula it prefers exposed, windy sites.
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Displaying 121 to 140 (of 1464 items)