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Lily & Iris-like
Arthropodium candidum Purpureum - Miniature Rengarenga
Purple foliage. Small delicate white flower heads from spring to summer. Deciduous.
Lily & Iris-like
Arthropodium cirratum - Rengarenga
Green grey glaucous foliage.White flowers (spring). Frost tender. Coastal.
Arthropteris tenella - Jointed Fern
Small creeping fern with simple pinnae resembling a small Blechnum. Slow growing and needs open area in the shade.
Ascarina lanceolata - Raoul Is. Hutu
Attractive bright green foliage shrub. Best grown on outskirts of bush in cool conditions. Frost-tender.
Ascarina lucida - Hutu
Attractive bright green foliage shrub. Best grown on outskirts of bush in cool conditions.
Asplenium bulbiferum - Hen and chicken fern
Graceful, deep green fronds which develop tiny bulbils or "Chickens". Excellent pot plant indoors or in shade. However some plants sold as this species are in fact a non-native sterile hybrid A.x lucrosum (A. bulbiferum x A. dimorphum).
Asplenium bulbiferum x flaccidum
An attractive hybrid between Asplenium bulbiferum and A.flaccidum creating a useful indoor plant for a hanging basket or a specimen in a tree.
Asplenium bulbiferum X lamprophyllum
A natural hybrid between Asplenium bulbiferum and A. lamprophyllum. It prefers shade and a well drained position.
Asplenium flabellifolium - Necklace Fern
Looping fronds root at the tips, forming spreading plants. Does well in pot with rich dry soil. Requires cool root system.
Asplenium flaccidum - Hanging Spleenwort
An epiphytic species growing on tree trunks, logs and rocks. Suitable for hanging baskets - slow growing.
Asplenium gracillimum - Graceful Fern
Fronds finely divided. Excellent pot plant indoors, or outdoors in shade.
Asplenium haurakiense - Hauraki Asplenium
Although best in shade it is an incredibly tough fern for those hot dry sunny places that very few ferns can survive in. It loves rich guano or compost and makes a great pot plant. Coastal rock dweller it forms a dense clump of hundreds of fronds.
Asplenium hookerianum
A small rosette forming fern for drier forest it is rather difficult to keep in cultivation.
Asplenium lamprophyllum
Large clumps formed by slow creeping rhizome. Glossy foliage in heavy shaded moist but free draining conditions.
Asplenium lyallii - Lyall's Spleenwort
Small tufted fern. Prefers calcareous (lime) rock. Glossy fronds, with a tidy habit.
Asplenium Maori Princess
A selected hybrid of the Hen & Chicken fern with particularly attractive foliage and a graceful habit.
Asplenium northlandicum - Northern Shore Spleenwort
On coastal rocks or amongst petrel scrub especially in places exposed to salt spray. A handsome, glossy foliage plant suitable in a container or in a rock garden.
Asplenium oblongifolium - Shining spleenwort
Lush green foliage. Prefers dry situations in semi shade and good soil. Excellent pot plant.
Asplenium obtusatum
A coastal fern. Lush green prefers dry dappled shade. An excellent pot plant.
Asplenium polyodon - Peretao, Petako, Sickle spleenwort
Hardy in very dry, shady conditions. Interesting foliage and graceful hanging habit.
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