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Alseuosmia turneri
This is an attractive glossy green leaved plant with highly scented flowers, similar to Alseuosmia macrophylla. May be fussy in warmer climates.
Alternanthera nahui - Nahui 
A coastal to lowland species of seasonally to permanently wet habitats such as
lagoon, lake, pond, river, and stream margins.
Amphibromus fluitans
This critically endangered grass is more appealing to the conservationist or collector, as it may be mistaken for a weed. Best in a boggy area or round edges of ponds.
Ground Cover
Anaphalioides bellidioides 
Soft herbaceous spreading plant. Good for rock gardens. Profuse white flowers (summer). Used to be Helichrysum bellidioides.
Ground Cover
Anaphalioides hookeri
Forms large patch with shiny deep green leaves which have white tomentum below. The flowerheads bear white papery bracts which appear from spring to early summer.
Ground Cover
Anaphalioides trinervis - Puatea 
Vigorous dark green foliage with white straw-like flowers. Prefers cool spots, hanging over rocks and banks. Quite often in seepages.
Anarthropteris lanceolata
Grows on rocks and tree trunks in dark forest. Can be grown as a ground cover in well drained soils. This fern is in a monotypic and endemic genus but a recent name change would include it in an Australian Genus as Loxogramme dictyopteris.
Anemanthele lessoniana - Gossamer Grass 
Forms large, fine-leaved tussocks. Fine pink feathery flower head.
Anisotome aromatica - Kopoti 
A rosette forming herb of alpine sites amongst other vegetation.
Anisotome latifolia - Sub-Antarctic carrot 
The mega-herb everyone loves but no-one can keep alive! Rarely available and extremely difficult to grow in cultivation.
Anisotome lyallii - Lyalls Giant Carrot 
Finely divided deep green leaves, white flowers borne in the summer.Prefers sunny site where it gets strong wind movement. It should be planted in a deep, permanently moist, peaty soil.
Anisotome patula
Confined to limestone on South Island west coast, where it grows in crevices on exposed sites. Anisotome patula was previously named Gingidia enysii or Ligusticum patulum
Ground Cover
Apium prostratum - Native Celery
Ideal coastal groundcover. Sprawls over clay banks and among rocks just above the tide line.
Apium prostratum subsp. prostratum var. filifor - Coromandel Native Celery 
A mat-forming species ideal for lawns,dry sites and free draining soils. A less common form of Apium prostratum growing on coastal banks often with a native grass Zoysia sp
Apium prostratum White Denticles
This is an un named species of native carrot. Much smaller than Apium prostratum and can be found under cliffs inland. Fast and attractive but may be for the collector.
Sedge & Rush-like
Apodasmia similis - Oioi, Jointed Rush 
Elegant 1.5m. Feathery tufts. Ideal garden plant, very hardy and slow creeping. Swamp plant of saline and freshwater habitats.
Arachniodes aristata - Kermadec Ground Fern
A little known NZ fern it is common on Raoul Island within dry, usually shaded lowland forest, where it grows amongst sparsely vegetated leaf litter.
Aristotelia fruticosa - Shrubby Wineberry 
Intriguing small-leaved shrub with a bushy twiggy habit. Collectors item.
Aristotelia serrata - Wineberry 
Attractive red tinted semi-deciduous foliage and pink flowers (spring). Both sexes required for berries to attract birds.
Lily & Iris-like
Arthropodium bifurcatum - Rengarenga 
Particularly robust form with grey-green glaucous foliage. White flowers (spring). Frost tender. Coastal.