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Summer planting
Contrary to popular opinion, summer planting is fine as long as adequate water is provided throughout any prolonged dry periods. This allows you to take advantage of increased summer growth.
Litsea calicaris
Height: 5m;  Spread: 2m
Mangeao (Tree)
Difficult to grow, but attractive tree if established. Slightly red tone in foliage. Fruit red and juicy loved by Tui.
Photo gallery:
Mangeao Flower Whakatane Sept 08
Litsea Calicaris in Flower Whakatane Sept 08
Just a baby - Oakley Creek
Litsea calicaris / Mangaeo - Lake Rototo
Growing tips:
On 13/02/2010, oscar grant said:
Collect unripe fruits -January perhaps. Warm moist stratisfication may also help. A few seeds I collected (unfortunatley didnt collect many) treated with the method stated germinated in less than 1 month.
On 16/12/2014, Martin Nicholls said:
This species seems to do best near its natural southern limit where it is most abundant. It self-sows readily in New Plymouth from adult sources I have yet to discover. A secret in growing it is good drainage AND constant moisture. It needs shelter, but tolerates full sun if it has shade and cool conditions at the roots until fully-established.
On 16/12/2014, Martin Nicholls said:
One thing I forgot to mention is that its flowers are deliciously and powerfully fragrant - strong tones of citrus-boronia.