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Unfortunately, Oratia Native Plant Nursery has now closed down. For further information, click here.

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Serendipitous supply
When the Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust wanted to give a gift of plants, locally sourced from Rarangi Beach, east of Blenheim, they came to Oratia. Not only could we provide an eco-sourced species, it was also a plant which had since disappeared from the region!

This is the Trust's story.

» Click here for details
Dichondra repens
Height: 0.01m;  Spread: 1m
Mercury Bay Weed (Ground Cover)
Far-creeping, very flat ground cover. Ideal no-mow lawn. Grows around the coast in bright sun / semi-shade.
Photo gallery:
Dichondra Repens
Used 120 plugs, nice soft cool green carpet.
Growing tips:
On 03/12/2011, Morag said:
use bulb planter to cut "plugs" in existing patches of dichondra and plant in turf lawn to increase area of dichondra. Take "plugs" from turf lawn and turn upside down before inserting into holes left in dichondra lawn. Water deeply and have good drainage. Grows best in summer in Hawkes Bay and may look sparse in winter but comes right again next summer! Only lawn to stay green in Hawkes Bay without too much watering!