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Planting tip
Soak the rootball of your plant in a bucket of water to wet thoroughly prior to planting. For extra goodness, add a bit of liquid fertiliser.
Carex flagellifera
Height: 0.75m;  Spread: 0.75m
Sedge & Rush-like
Tussock grass with fine green foliage. Grows in sun and shade. Flowering stems lengthen when seeds ripen.
» Click here for more detailed information on Carex flagellifera...
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Growing tips:
On 05/09/2021, Dwayne said:
i grew a whole tray ful of carex flag on a clay bank in the driest part of auckland region, amongst overgrown ryegrass etc and they thriveď. After the fist year you can finally start to see some of them getting big enough to notice among the surrounding grass. A perfect grass to interplant between native shrubs and trees to reduce weeds.