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Planting tip
Soak the rootball of your plant in a bucket of water to wet thoroughly prior to planting. For extra goodness, add a bit of liquid fertiliser.
Beilschmiedia tarairi
Height: 10m;  Spread: 10m
Taraire (Tree)
Grand specimen tree. New growth olive green. Flowers in spring with large date-like fruit in June. Frost tender.
» Click here for more detailed information on Beilschmiedia tarairi...
» Click here for our Beilschmiedia tarairi article published in The Fringe, September 2015 ...
Photo gallery:
Unripe berries on a mature Tarairi at Duder Regional Park in Whitford
Mature group of Tarairi trees at Duder Regional Park in Whitford
Foliage of a Tarairi Tree at Duder Regional Park in Whitford
Another group of Tarairi trees at Duder Regional Park in Whitford
One of many planted in Cornwall Park, Auckland, along the motorway end of Greenland Road.
Growing tips:
On 16/12/2014, Martin Nicholls said:
Surprisingly, this is the most easily grown of the native Beilschmiedia species and is much hardier than its natural distribution suggests. In New Plymouth, a seedling I planted in 2012 is now 2.3 metres high and growing rapidly (1.5 metres expected this year). Dormant growth is well-protected from frosts by buds covered in dense rufous tomentum. It grows happily in full sun, and would be a perfect street tree, but grows best if given shelter and constant moisture. The large fruit are surprisingly palatable, if a little astringent from a high turpentine content.