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Arthropodium cirratum
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Spread throughout the North Island and on the northern tip of the South Island. Common on the coast, but is also found inland on rocky exposed cliffs and even near waterfalls.

An attractive lily, which forms quite large clumps with drooping, fleshy strap-shaped leaves of a soft grey-green and up to 50cm long, making the overall plant about 80cm or more across. Its starry white flowers arrive from early to mid-summer and are borne in airy panicles on stems up to 1m high. The flowers open gradually moving from a pink bud to white flower with yellow stamens over several weeks.

Tolerates slightly damp to dry soils, preferably the latter, as well as full sun to shade, but is at its best in a semi-shaded situation. Although frost tender, plants can regrow from the fleshy roots in spring. Plant in groups as groundcover under trees and on banks or massed in a border.

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