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Crassula multicaulis


Found in Palliser Bay in the North Island, and in the South Island from latitude 41 south in montane damp grasslands.
Our stock is sourced from the Rock and Pillar Range.

A small matted herb that forms patches 3 - 4 cm high by 30 - 50 cm wide. Can be either loose or dense in habit. The leaves are 2 mm long by 1 mm wide and can be red or green in colour. The flowers are 2.5 - 3.5 mm and white. The stems root along the ground. It is an annual to short-lived perennial but in favourable conditions reappears year after year.

Requires full sun preferably in a sheltered area. It tolerates moist or dry soils. Grows well in warm parts of the country but prefers cooler climates. It is more of a collectors item than a "ooh, aah" specimen. It is not as fast as the other species of Crassula and will not tolerate competition from other plants. This is a threatened species and should be given a new home for security.


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