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Planting tip
Soak the rootball of your plant in a bucket of water to wet thoroughly prior to planting. For extra goodness, add a bit of liquid fertiliser.
Baumea complanata


Cladium complanatum Bergg., Machaerina complanata (Bergg.) Koyama

Northland - Kaipara, Ngawha and a few other locations.
Our stock is sourced from Ngawha.

A clumping sedge slowly spreading by a short rhizome. The leaves are dark glossy green, 1 - 1.5 m high by 2 - 3.5 cm wide, erect and arching from the top. The flower heads are held amongst the foliage with a brown fluffy seed head of 8 - 10 cm flopped to one side. When the seed are ready they are light brown, triangular and abundant. The flowers are borne in summer. The clump is dense and non-invasive.

Requires full sun or dappled shade. Tolerates dry, acidic, nutrient-lacking soil or damp areas. We find that plants in clay with sawdust mulch around them are far more healthy than those in potting mix. It has also been commented that the plants in our garden are healthier than those in the wild. Certainly those in clay on the bank are better than those in water. This plant can grow fast and needs room to spread. This plant is also threatened. Note also that it does not appreciate root disturbance or division.

Gradual decline.


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