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"Thank you very much. My cordylines arrived today :) I am very impressed with your prompt service and the quality of my new babies.

I will definitely order plants from you in the future.

Thanks again, Courtney"
Anaphalioides trinervis
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Asteraceae (formerly Compositae)

Helichrysum micranthum DC., Anaphalis keriensis (A.Cunn.) C.J.Webb; Anaphalis trinervis (A.Cunn.) F.Muell.; Gnaphalium keriense A.Cunn.; Anaphalioides keriensis (A.Cunn.) Kirp.; Gnaphalium novae-zelandiae Sch.Bip; Gnaphalium lyallii Hook.f.; Anaphalis trinervis var. lyallii (Hook.f) F.Muell.; Gnaphalium adhaerens Col.

From the North Island to latitude 36, half way down the South Island.
Our stock is sourced from the Upper Nihotupu Dam, Waitakere Ranges.

Perennial herb with decumbent habit. Stems erect with adventive roots. Leaves dark green with prominent dark nerves, lamina = 7 x 15 mm and sessile. Underside of leaves are whitish colour. Flowers are white and straw-flower-like in abundance. In the wild the sides of streams and water falls turn white with the profusion of flowers produced. Flowers are on stems 15 cm tall and are 1 cm wide and in cymes of up to 10 or so flowers at a time.

Plant in a wet or moist place in dappled light, as it is a plant that likes stream sides or water falls. Fast growing and likes lots of nutrition. Pruning not neccesary. Will not tolerate dry conditions. May be best grown in pots out of the wind. A plant worth promoting due to its colour and tropical look. If planted in a moist area it will self-seed easily, particularly in mosses.

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